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Discernment Counseling

For Couples on the Brink of Divorce

Call To Book A Service

  • 281-997-8400

2 hr
300 US dollars
Park Avenue

Service Description

Ambivalent because you aren’t sure you want to be married? No problem. Discernment Counseling is a service designed specifically for you. It is a short-term, specialized form of counseling led by Dr. Shawn, designed for couples who are uncertain about the future of their relationship, particularly when one partner is leaning toward separation or divorce and the other wants to work on the marriage. The goal is not to solve your relationship problems but to help you gain clarity and confidence in making a decision about the future of your relationship. The hoped-for outcomes of Discernment Counseling are: • Gain a clearer understanding of your role in the relationship, including areas of strength and areas of concern. • Clear plan for the future and emotional closure. • Acknowledgement both perspectives in the relationship are valid. • By gaining clarity, some couples choose to commit to rebuilding their relationship rather than divorcing prematurely. Discernment Counseling helps couples make a clear, confident decision about the future of their relationship. It provides clarity, respect, and direction for both partners, reducing ambivalence and fostering mutual understanding, while guiding them toward the next step in their relationship journey: working on the marriage, separating, or continuing with the status quo. For additional information, click on the Discernment Counseling tab at the top of this page.

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